The Raven Quilt

The Raven Quilt - Wendy Liddle

Instructor Contact: 801-380-1743

Class Description: I love this Raven quilt! It just speaks for itself. It turns out beautifully done in wool or applique (hand or machine.) In this class I will be teaching beginning wool techniques—how to buy and felt wool, needles, thread and stitches. We will be working on 3 blocks. These will be wool blocks. A table runner could be made or blocks added for the whole quilt. If you want to come and work on it in applique please come. I have chosen 3 blocks we will work on or you can choose others. Come learn some new techniques and enjoy a fun class!

Project size: Quilt size- 41” x 41”  Table runner- 14"x41" Block sizes- cut 13” x 13” - finished 12” x 12”

When: Friday, June 13 - 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Skill level: Beginner

Pattern/Kit Fee: $30 book

Supplies/Fabric Requirements:
Supply list - (wool- 9 blocks)

Different bkg blocks- 13” x 13” I used a linen look fabric in different colors.

3/4 yard to 1 yard black cotton- sashing borders and binding.

Soft fuse (buy at quilt stores) or heat and bond lite. I like soft fuse, it is

easier to stitch through.

SF 101- (optional)

Black sharpie

Different threads to match wool- I like sulky 100% cotton # 12 wt. Order online from sulky or you can buy it at quilts etc in Sandy, Utah.

House block

Bkg.- Creme - 13” x 13”

7” x 8” - red house

3” x 7” - black roof

2” x 8” - grass

7” x ½” - tree trunk

3” x 8” - green tree branches

(12) different 2” x 2” - green leaves

2” x 3” - brown/paid acorns

3” x 3” - red berries

4” x 8” - black raven

3” x 5” raven wing

Moon Raven

Bkg. - blue-steel blue-13” x 13”

7” x 11” - black raven

3” x 6” - wing

2” x 8” - green grass

4” x 9” - green vines

(10) different 1” x 2” -green leaves- one large-3” x 3”

2’ x 2” - brown acorn

3” x 3” - red berries

8” x 8” - yellow moon

Raven pumpkin

Bkg.- brown- 13” x 13”

5” x 8 1/2 “ orange pumpkin

3 ½” x 5” - light orange- overlay

4” x 7” - green vines

(7) - 3” x 3” different green leaves

3” x 3” - red berries

5” x 9” - black raven

4” x 5” - wing

You can just use your scraps for any of these pieces. You don’t have to use these exact measurements.

Further instructions regarding class preparation will be emailed by your instructor after registration. 

Instructor bio:

Hi my name is Wendy Liddle. I have been quilting for about 25 years. I have served on the Utah Valley Quilt guild and helped put on retreats. I love to make patterns and I like small projects so I can get them done. I love working with wool. I love teaching at retreats because I meet so many BQFF"s. Best quilting friends forever.